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How Do I Stop Being Overwhelmed by Clutter?


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? Clutter can be a serious problem, affecting not only your physical and mental health but also your relationships and productivity.

But don't worry, putting an end to the clutter chaos is doable! With a few simple steps, you can start reclaiming your space and your sanity. So, put your game face on, and let’s get started.

This article will offer helpful tips and tricks to help you stop being overwhelmed by clutter.

A few changes and adjustments can make a huge difference in how organized and productive you feel, so why wait? Let's start cleaning up the mess and get the ball rolling. Here, we go!

How do I stop being overwhelmed by clutter?

How to Stop Being Overwhelmed by Clutter 

Clutter is a common problem that can take up valuable space, create stress, and make it hard to find what you need.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to reduce the clutter in your life and reclaim your space.

Identify the Problem Areas 

The first step in conquering clutter is to identify where it’s coming from.

Take a look around your home or office and make note of all the areas that have become cluttered. This could be your desk, kitchen counters, or even closets or drawers.

Once you’ve identified the problem areas, you can start taking steps to tackle them one at a time. 

Create an Organizational System 

Once you know where the clutter is coming from, it’s time to create an organizational system.

This could be as simple as assigning each room its own area for storage or creating dedicated spaces for certain items (e.g., books).

 If possible, try to keep like items together so they’re easier to find when needed. For example, if you have a lot of paperwork, consider setting up a filing system that allows you to quickly locate documents when needed. 

Set Up Containers and Shelves 

Containers and shelves are essential for organizing any space. Invest in sturdy containers with lids and labels so you can store items safely and easily find them when needed.

You may also want to invest in some shelves or other storage solutions such as baskets and bins to help keep everything organized.

Having designated spots for all your belongings will help ensure that nothing gets lost and everything stays neat and tidy. 

Purge What You Don’t Need 

When it comes to getting rid of clutter, less is always more. Go through each room and decide which items you don’t need or use anymore.

Get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose—even if it has sentimental value—as keeping too many mementos can lead to unnecessary clutter.

Consider donating unwanted items or holding a yard sale to get rid of anything you don’t need but still have value. 

Schedule Time for Cleaning Up 

Cleaning up after yourself is key when it comes to reducing clutter. Make sure everyone in the house knows how important this is by scheduling regular cleaning times throughout the week.

Even if it's just a few minutes here and there, having a plan in place will help ensure that everyone is taking responsibility for tidying up after themselves.

Additionally, it's important to designate specific areas for certain tasks. For example, having a designated spot in the kitchen for dishes, and another spot in the living room for toys or books.

This will help keep clutter contained and make it easier to clean up quickly when needed.

Utilize Vertical Space 

When it comes to keeping your home organized, don’t forget about vertical space.

If you have limited storage options, consider utilizing wall shelves and hooks to store items such as coats, bags, and hats.

This will help maximize your storage and keep clutter off the floor. Additionally, you can also use wall-mounted organizers for things like mail and magazines. 

Delegate Tasks 

If you live with other people, make sure everyone is taking part in the organizational process. Assign specific tasks to each person in order to get everything done quickly and efficiently.

For example, one person can be responsible for dusting while another takes care of vacuuming.

This way, everyone will be held accountable for their part in keeping the house clean and organized. 

Creating an organizational system for your home doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming.

 With a little bit of planning and effort, you can easily transform any space into a haven of organization and order.

By following these simple tips, you can reduce clutter and keep your home neat and tidy. Additionally, it's important to remember that organization is a continuous process—it requires regular maintenance in order to stay organized.

So make sure to set aside some time each week to go through your belongings and clean up any messes. With a little bit of effort, you can easily create an organized and stress-free living space.


1. How do I start decluttering? 

The best way to start decluttering is to break it down into manageable tasks. Start by going through one room at a time and sorting items into piles such as “keep”, “donate” and “trash”.

Once you have sorted all of your items, you can begin the process of actually decluttering the space. 

2. What are some tips for staying organized? 

Some tips for staying organized include creating a designated spot for each item in your home, utilizing vertical space, delegating tasks, and setting aside time each week to go through your belongings and clean up any messes.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that organization is a continuous process—it requires regular maintenance in order to stay organized. 

3. What is the difference between organizing and decluttering? 

Organizing is the process of arranging items within a space in an orderly manner and making sure that everything has its own designated spot.

Decluttering, on the other hand, is the act of removing unnecessary or unwanted items from a space in order to make it easier to keep tidy. 

4. How do I get motivated to declutter? 

One way to get motivated to declutter is to focus on how much better you will feel once it’s done.

 Visualize how much more peaceful and stress-free your home will be after everything has been sorted and put away properly.

Additionally, set small goals for yourself throughout the process so that you can track your progress and reward yourself when you reach them.

5. What is the best way to start decluttering my home?

The best way to start decluttering your home is to take it one room at a time. Start with the most cluttered spaces first and work your way around the house.

Divide each room into smaller sections and tackle each section one at a time.

6. How do I stop feeling overwhelmed with clutter?

To stop feeling overwhelmed with clutter, you can try implementing a few strategies. First, start small by tackling one area or room at a time. Break the task into manageable chunks and create a decluttering plan. Prioritize items that hold value or bring you joy, and let go of the rest. Establishing a regular cleaning and organizing routine will also help prevent future clutter buildup. Seek support from friends, family, or professional organizers if needed.

7. Why do I get overwhelmed with too much stuff?

Feeling overwhelmed with too much stuff can happen due to various reasons. One possibility is that having an excessive amount of possessions creates visual and mental clutter, causing a sense of chaos and stress. Additionally, an attachment to belongings, fear of letting go, or sentimental value can make it difficult to part with items, further contributing to overwhelm.

8. Why do I accumulate so much clutter?

Accumulating clutter can occur for several reasons. Emotional attachments to belongings, such as nostalgia, can cause us to hold onto items beyond their practical use. Impulse buying, excessive shopping, or a lack of organizing systems can also lead to clutter accumulation. Additionally, busy lifestyles and limited time for cleaning and decluttering can contribute to the buildup of possessions.

9. Where do you start when you are overwhelmed by a messy house?

When feeling overwhelmed by a messy house, start by selecting one area that has the most impact on your daily life or causes the most stress. It could be the kitchen, bedroom, or living room. Begin by decluttering and organizing that specific area, focusing on small sections at a time. Once you make progress in one area, it often becomes easier to tackle the rest of the house gradually.

10. What is the psychological reason for a messy house?

The psychological reasons behind a messy house can be diverse. It may stem from underlying mental health conditions like chronic disorganization, hoarding disorder, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In these cases, individuals may struggle with decision-making, organizing skills, or emotional attachments to objects. Additionally, a cluttered home can result from difficult life events, stress, or a lack of understanding the importance of an organized living space. Seeking professional help from therapists or organizers might be beneficial in addressing these psychological reasons.


It's been a long and arduous process, but if you're willing to put in the effort, becoming organized and un-overwhelmed by clutter can be accomplished.

Start small by tackling one room per day or project per month, depending on your time constraints. Make sure to get the whole family involved and create a to-do list and tasks for each family member.

 Don't be afraid to enlist outside help—whether it be a friend who's an organizing expert or a professional organizer—for assistance.

With firm boundaries and good organization systems in place, you can start to feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your space. 

After creating an organizing system, be sure to maintain it as well. Set aside a few hours a week to tidy up and organize your space.

This way, you won't have to worry about it becoming unruly and cluttered again. That being said, it's okay to let it go once in a while—everyone needs a break!

By applying these tips and tricks, you'll find that you're able to keep up with the chaos and clutter in your life.

With a bit of discipline and organization, you can set yourself free from feeling overwhelmed. There's no need for it to rule your life any longer—you've got this!


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